FREE Sexual Empowerment Virtual Summit

Unlocking Intimacy: Access Your Deepest Desire, Create Meaningful Connection and Master the Art of Mutual Pleasure

Sign up TODAY to gain access to 30+ JUICY guides, e-books and exercises to increase intimacy, pleasure, connection and confidence!

Featuring 30 Doctors, Sex Therapists, Bestselling Authors, Sexologists, Relationship Coaches, and Board-Certified sExperts

Virtual Summit March 11-21

This Year's Featured Speakers

I hand-picked speakers and sexuality professionals at the top of their game. They’re the top SExperts in the world and, most importantly, they’re teaching from experience, not from theory. Despite their busy schedules, each of these speakers jumped on board for this event and promised to teach their BEST stuff.

All I can say is, you’re in for a treat!

Sexual Empowerment Summit Featuring

Susan Bratton

The Sexual

Soulmate Pact

Dr. Diane Mueller

Stress, Sex and You

Marla Stewart


Learning Styles

Mayah Rose Rogers

Radical Intimacy & Cosmic Orgasms

Tajna Diamond

The Tantra Of

Sexual Healing

Roberta Tachi

Merging, Pain, and Pleasure: The Vital Role of Embodiment in Couples

Heather Shannon

Getting The Sexy Spark Back In Your Committed Relationship!

Dr. Stormy Hill

Your Brain is Your Largest Sex Organ and your Greatest Barrier to Fabulous Sex

Amanda Vee

Sex is Like Going to the Gym


Pleasure In the Dark: Exploring Dark Desires

Dr. Candace


Self-Love for Disease Prevention

Carli Guzowski

Releasing Shame and Guilt and Stepping Into Pleasure

Clare Carmody

Talk Dirty in French

Dr. Zerri Gross

Qualifying Intimate Conversations

Esme Valette

Healing from

Sexual Trauma

Gwyn Isaacs

How Kink can Empower Women In and Out of the Bedroom

Janette Wong

Self Love & Self Acceptance

Katrin with Love

Resisting Sex:

A Deep-Dive

Larry Michel

Our Energetic Path to Courageous Intimacy

Laura Johnsen and Lulu Batista

Building a Foundation of Sexual Communication

Lauren Hayes

Exploring Sexual Fantasy with Others: Threesomes and Beyond

Lisa Holtan

Balancing Hormones for Confidence

Nika Cherelle

Pleasure Negotiations

Michelle Hibbert

Unveiling the Impact: How Perfectionism and Limiting Beliefs Shape Sexuality, Performance, and Mood.

Perle Noire

Burlesque as a Form of Self-Seduction: Techniques for Building Body Positivity

Sarah Druckman

From Burnout to Bliss

Dr. Toni Bear

Secrets We Keep & Price We Pay

Trina Read

The Sex Course: 5 Steps to Better Sex

Dr. Laurie Mintz

Closing the Orgasm Gap

Shannon Hamaker

Midlife Magic: Intimacy & Perimenopause

Amy Rowan

Regaining Intimacy After Mastectomy

Speakers Featured in

Speakers Featured In

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